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Merchant Onboarding

Connecting Solana Pay to a Store is straightforward

Install Solana Pay on Shopify

  1. Navigate to the Shopify Solana Pay App Installation Link on the Shopify App Store and click the “Add app” button.

Configure Solana Pay Portal

Business information

Follow the KYB steps to submit your documentation. It can take up to 48 hours to be verified by our team.

Wallet configuration

Enter in your Solana wallet address. This is where you will receive payments from your customers.

Non-Custodial Wallet

This type of wallet is a wallet that you own and control (that you own the private keys for). This includes browser wallets like Phantom or Sollet.

Custodial Wallet

This type of wallet is often from a provider like Coinbase. Coinbase gives you a single address that only accepts USDC, for example.

Follow coinbase onboarding steps to add a coinbase custodial account.

Terms and conditions

Review and accept the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.